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Black Magic EQUALIZER Gimbal and Harness (Standard Size)

BMT-gimble-harness STD

$399.00 $345.00 Save $54.00 GST Incl - NZ purchases only

Black Magic EQUALIZER Gimbal and Harness (STANDARD)

The revolutionary Black Magic Equalizer gimbal and harness has become the stand up system of choice with sport fishermen around the world...

COMPLETE SYSTEM Gimbal, Harness, Drop Straps & FREE carry bag.    One size fits all!

black magic equalizer promo

Steve Sneddon - Sportangler Magazine
"A quantum leap for the comfort, safety and fish fighting power for the stand-up fisherman."

Dennis "Brazzaka" Wallace - "Born Free" - Cairns
"When fishing for granders we use only the best equipment available, these fish don't give you a second chance. This is the most advanced gimbal and harness in the world, it gives the angler the edge."

Bruce Smith - "Striker" - Bay of Islands NZ
"This system is a Winner and is long overdue, we use it for both light and heavy tackle"

Rick Pollock - "Pursuit" - Whakatane NZ
"Ready for action, lightweight, sturdy and innovative."

"Bushy" - Queensland Fishing Monthly
"Definitely at the top of the game fishing tree as far as efficiency and comfort are concerned"

Carl Liederman
Capt. Harry's Fishing Supply- Miami FL

"The Black Magic Equalizer has become the system of choice for the bluefin fishery"

John Eichelsheim - Editor     satisfaction
NZ Fisherman Magazine
"Innovative, efficient and very effective"



the black gimbal...
BM gimbal

More comfort... our new model is padded with a special material that uses sports medicine technology to give you more comfort and better blood circulation during those long hard fights. Our new padding is New Zealand made and is similar in construction to that used in the manufacture of rugby head gear. You will be amazed at the extra pressure you can apply: 30 pounds over the rod tip is as easy as pulling 20 pounds with other systems. Bad back? No strain, no pain!

More leverage... your body weight is used to maximum advantage because the recessed gimbal pin is positioned low down and further back than other systems.

Quality... designed and manufactured in New Zealand using the best materials available; high strength UV stabilised polyethylene, 316 stainless gimbal pin moulded in, and, polyester webbing belt and drop straps - far superior to commonly used nylon webbing.
BM gimbal1

Easy to use... wear the unique webbing belt all day, when the big strike comes the gimbal slips on in seconds with no hassles - even in a blind panic!

More stability... the unique design features eliminate sideways movement of the gimbal when under load, especially in sloppy seas.


 Standard Size...  440mm


the black harness...
BM harnessUnique design... new moulded and contoured padded componentry gives you a stronger yet lighter and less bulky harness. Unlike conventional kidney harnesses the Black Magic Equalizer divides the strain between the upper thigh/buttocks area and the lower back using innovative twin element padded supports.

Balance... the free running lug clips allow the load to be distributed evenly between the two elements of the harness.

Quality... New Zealand made using the best materials available; extra durable polyester webbing, top quality buckles and clips and closed cell foam padding.

Less effort... by having the angle of pull lower on the angler the pressure applied to the reel lugs is increased by up to 50% without any extra effort.

Standard Harness Size... 683mm (width of padded section of harness)

 We believe the Black Magic Equalizer stand up system is the best in the world...
Try it and experience the difference...


Black Magic EQUALIZER Gimbal and Harness (Standard Size), black  magic, gimble belt, harness, equalizer, game fishing, standup, fishing belt, fighting belt, gimble set, black magic gimbal belt, gimbal belt, black magic tackle,
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