For our customers, Please be assured, it is business as usual, and the business is not suffering any issues at all, It is just that I am nearing retirement and this makes it possible for new blood to get into this, I have done over 20 good years here, and it is simply time to hand over the reins to some fresh blood. So don't worry about orders they will all be processed as usual.
Discount Fishing Supplies is currently for sale. The sale includes the website, the 2 main street shop premises in Gisborne NZ, and all Stock and Plant.
The premises are freehold, there are no mortgages, and no outstanding debts (apart from usual monthly accounts, which are always paid on 20th)
Reason for selling is simply that retirement is calling me, so it is time to go and do more fishing, and let someone else take over.
A bit of History:
I Colin Kerr Started Discount Fishing Supplies back in 2004. It started with me building a website on the bridge of my Commercial Fishing vessel the F.V.Caroline. Mine was pretty much the first dedicated fishing tackle website on New Zealand. Within a few months I needed a retail store, so bought 441 Gladstone road in 2004, and as we needed more room, I also purchased the next door building in 2011. We stock all major fishing brands, and a small selection of boating items, camping and diving gear.
I run the business with my wife, and our son also helps when needed. We never advertise, and we do not send newsletters, as we have always run this gently and make a good living out of it. As I have trust issues, where I don’t like employing staff. Plenty of other people are comfortable employing staff to further grow a business, which is fine, we have been comfortable with just cruising along with our regulars. Where someone else may have the spark to further build the business.
When I first started this I had grand ideas of growing it a lot bigger than I did, But I ended up not pursuing the possibilities further as my earlier drive kind of disappeared a bit with age (LOL).
I bought and still retain a few other web domain names in case I pursued the expansion idea and these domain names will go to new purchaser, for if they want to go down that track, the web names are:
We do not run accounts, so no one ever owes us money, and of course we don’t have any bad debts this way. (works for us)
What a purchaser gets if the buy Discount fishing Supplies:
Freehold land and building 441 Gladstone Rd, Gisborne
Freehold land and building 439 Gladstone Rd, Gisborne
The website: www.DiscountfishingSupplies.co.nz
The extra Web domains listed above
The plant and Machinery
Shop Fittings
Online customer base (currently 31,000. But you could expect some double ups in there,)
All the Stock (our stock levels at wholesale normally hover around the $350,000 mark)
Discount Fishing Supplies is Owned by my Company: Caroline Fishing 2001 Ltd, So someone can either buy all the assets, or for simplicity, you could just buy the shares of the company and carry on from day 1.
The business may suit a couple like myself and my wife who just wish to plod on, Or may suit someone with bigger ambitions. And may even suit another established business that wishes to get a foothold into the Gisborne area.
We have always got through the tough times here in Gizzy, without going into debt. We survived the 2008 financial crisis, the covid thingy, and latterly the Cyclone Gabriel event and all the shit weather that prevailed after it. So this business has proved it’s resilience over the last 21 years.
Ideally a buyer would be an active, experienced fisherman, or at least be prepared to employ experienced people, as our customers expect top rated advice,
I wish to sell the business holus bolus (a complete package). So that is buildings, web, and stock etc in one move. (you can always see if someone else will buy buildings if you prefer renting).
To give a guideline, I am looking for offers of above $900,000 PLUS GST. The better offer I get, all the better, as I may then get some reward for the 20 odd years of building this business. And don’t even contact me if you are going to be anything less than the guideline, because I don’t appreciate time wasting and if I don’t sell, I just plan to keep doing it, But I’ll only open 4 days a week and get a better mix of Life, ie: a better mix of work and pleasure. As longer weekends would make life a whole lot more enjoyable.
So to be clear we are not selling due to any problems with the business, it is solely for a better life balance as I hit my retirement years, And someone else can either cruise along like the wife and I have, or you can get stuck in, and send a few newsletters, and maybe even do some advertising, or even up the game with the other web domain names if you have the inclination.
For further contact, email me at: info@discountfishing.co.nz ask your questions, and also let me know that you are definitely in a position to be able make a deal above the minimum $900,000- + GST offer if the discussion progressed. (if there is no mention of that capability, then there will be no reply. Sorry but I just won’t be interested). And remember for it to work for you, you must have a very capable knowledge of all things fishing.
Captain Col
Discount Fishing Supplies
Managing Director